Patrick WanHow to check is array in JavascriptMost of the time we will check the variable whether is an array or not. The isArray() method returns true if an object is an array…May 31, 2022May 31, 2022
Patrick WanHow to find contains string in JavascriptIf you’re looking for a way to check if a string contains a specific word or phrase, there are a few different methods you can use.Jun 2, 2022Jun 2, 2022
Patrick WanHow to implement Highchart JSIf you’re looking to add some interactive charts to your web page, Highcharts JS is a great option.Jun 9, 2022Jun 9, 2022
Patrick WanJQuery to select dot in idJQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and…Jun 14, 2022Jun 14, 2022
Patrick WanAn editor allow user to write html or paste html codeSometimes in our development, we might need to use some extra plugin which allow us to manage html code and can display it in frontend.May 19, 2022May 19, 2022
Patrick WanWhat Functions that will be frequently use in our coding life?There are many functions that we use in our daily lives without even realizing it.May 26, 2022May 26, 2022
Patrick WanHow to remove last character in string (Javascript)If you need to remove the last character from a string, you can use the substr function. This function takes a string as input and returns…May 28, 2022May 28, 2022
Patrick WanWhy are we using AJAX and what is the benefits of AJAX?AJAX is a Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.May 3, 2022May 3, 2022
InTowards DevbyPatrick WanBasic Multistep Form Laravel with LivewireThroughout this Laravel tutorial, you will learn how to create a multi-step form in your using Livewire package.May 5, 20222May 5, 20222
InTowards DevbyPatrick WanHow to make auto load more in Laravel AppLaravel Auto Load more data on Infinite page scroll with ajax jQuery. If you have seen some social media or e-commerce sites that use the…Apr 28, 2022Apr 28, 2022
Patrick WanLaravel 8 CRUD TutorialLaravel is one of the most popular PHP-based framework for creating database-driven apps.Apr 16, 2022Apr 16, 2022
Patrick WanSelect2.js not working in CloneData.jsThis concludes the tour of select2 and cloneData.js .Feb 18, 2022Feb 18, 2022
Patrick WanDatatable passing custom parameterSome times, we need to query out our results with some parameter that they are not in our table list.Feb 24, 2022Feb 24, 2022
Patrick WanHTML Form SnippetsIn our oldest coding most of it we wrote a long html code, but for now if you are using a project with composer.json, I would like to…Mar 5, 2022Mar 5, 2022
Patrick WanHow To Setup Tailwind CSSA Modern CSS which allow us to easily control media screen CSS without writing a lot custom CSSMar 10, 2022Mar 10, 2022
Patrick WanBasic Usage of DatatableIn this article, I will show you how to use Datatabale and the usage of Datatable.Mar 10, 2022Mar 10, 2022